Can IPERS members fill elected positions without jeopardizing their IPERS benefits if the first term starts during IPERS’ four-month bona fide retirement period?

FAQ Type
Appointed vs Elected

Yes. The Iowa code has an exception for retirees elected to public offices if the first term begins during the four-month bona fide retirement period. Although retirees must have ended other IPERS-covered employment to qualify for retirement benefits, they may accept pay and have IPERS coverage for the elected position without putting their IPERS benefits at risk. If an elected official has IPERS coverage for the elected position and is reelected to the same position for another term, the elected official must end IPERS coverage to receive retirement benefits. Appointed part-time officials must terminate all positions that are IPERS covered to begin receiving IPERS retirement benefits. They are subject to all bona fide retirement requirements.